Monday, February 22, 2010


Thank god the sun is shining.  Crocus are blooming, and the bulbs that my Girl Scout troop planted outside their meeting space are poking up out of the cold earth to seek some warmth.  Spring is coming!  Yea!

This winter has to have been my best winter is years.  We've had no snow days, which means that school is out on-schedule this year.  I haven't felt that foggy blah feeling that I get many winters; I attribute my improved mood to exercise and nutrition.  I had my annual exam (that I only get about every 5 years), and I passed with flying colors.  Pap was clear--yea!  I hope my days of abnormal pap results is in my past forever.  All my bloodwork was stellar.  I feel healthy inside and out.  Whoot!  The best part of my exam was when the dr asked me if I exercise, and before I could answer, she said, "I will put "yes".  You look very fit."  Fit!  Me!  No one in my entire life has called me fit; it was exciting.

I was telling Wayne this morning that--unless something drastic happens-- this is the first spring-summer that I'm not dreading pulling out my warmer-weather clothes; however, none of my clothes fit now. Yesterday I tried to put on my favorite brown linen pants, which are perfect for the weather we've been having lately, but they are simply ginormous.  I wonder if I can alter them. I hate to have to give them up. 

Next about 3 weeks, actually...I will be celebrating my 39th birthday.  Thirty-NINE. Good lord, how did I get to this age.  Seriously.  I plan to go to Masa in Tacoma for some serious Latin dancing.   And mojitos.  Lots of mojitos.  We'll do a family dinner there with the kids and some friends, and then the kids will take Maya home, and the party shall begin.  I. Can't. Wait.  

And then it's the downward spiral to 40.