Young men and women are embarking upon the next phase of life: adulthood.
Parents are proud, as they proclaim all across their vehicles, "PROUD PARENT OF AN ERHS GRAD" "WE R PROUD OF U BECKY"
Honestly, I hope to be one of those parents next year. Cheesy as hell, I know, but dammit! This getting a kid to graduation gig is difficult... thirteen (or more) years of homework hassles, conferences, volunteering, projects that make you want to pull your hair out... I can't wait for it to all be over, and I think I will be thrilled enough to just have to print it across every window of my car in bright green writing.
Amidst the proud parents of high school grads, I saw this yesterday morning:

And this that same morning:

I really think this is a little much. No. It's way too much. Over the top. What the hell are these parents thinking??? Dear lord, you have survived two years of two or three days a week preschool...or five days a week of half days for one year of kindergarten. The kids now know their colors, shapes and may know how to read somewhat fluently and write somewhat legibly. They still eat boogers, suck thumbs, wipe their noses on their sleeves and probably color outside the lines. Some may even still wear pull-ups at bedtime. They are adorable children, likely. Adore them. Embrace them.
But heaping that kind of praise on kids and making a preschool or kindergarten graduation an event that requires such a proclamation is quite possibly going to end up biting you in the ass later-- you know, when they are 16 and want that Super Sweet Sixteen, I'm pretty sure it will bite you in the ass sooner than that. So just stop the trend before it runs like wildfire through my suburbia.
I don't think I'll ever write anything on my car windows because that means I'll have to wash them later. I agree-- pre-school? Kindergarten? WTF???
I also want to comment on the parking job of the big-ass SUV. This is my personal pet peeve-- If you're going to drive a huge vehicle find appropriate parking or get really good at staying between the lines. Again, personal pet peeve.
HA! I didn't even notice the crappy parking job; it's such a common way for those big ass SUVs to park that it's become the norm. Annoying as hell.
I totally forgot all about my plan to write "Proud parent of a kid who barely passed eighth grade" on my back window. Let me just run out there and take care of that now....
This spring has been hell for my oldest--a junior in high school. I seriously may be writing something like "Proud Parent of a Super Senior" in a 5th year senior.
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