I have never seen him without the 'stache, and he only briefly was without the goatee since I've known him.
He has been threatening to shave his facial hair since 2003, when we were on our honeymoon. Snorkeling was difficult for him because he couldn't get a good seal between his face and the mask d/t his facial hair. I cannot even count how many times he has talked about it and never acted upon it.
Until today.
When I was downstairs playing on the computer, he called down to me, so I looked up and saw his BALD UPPER LIP. Omg. Totally wasn't expecting that. He still had the goatee, though, which made him look leprechaunish (his facial hair is red).
I probably reacted inappropriately. In fact, I know I did. Recoiling is likely inappropriate.
Then he shaved the goatee, and I couldn't look.
I finally peeked through my fingers trying to get used to this person who claimed to be my husband.
Paige came home to get some homework she forgot, and I called down to her: "Paige come up here and meet your new stepdad!" she, too, recoiled and said, "you're growing that back, right? You don't look like you. I wouldn't even recognize you." and so on.
I sent a picture to Brittani's phone, and her response: "Ew. i don't like it." I thought that was little harsh-- the "ew" part anyway. Ew is like gross, and he doesn't look gross, he just looks...white bread. It didn't help that he was wearing his work clothes. Maybe it'll work better in his everyday clothes.
My prediction on Maya's reaction is that she will cry.
Before (July 2007)

I think Maya will cry too. The good news is that Wayne can probably grow his facial hair back in six hours, if he wants.
Isn't it amazing how much the stache hides the space between the nose and the upper lip? I wish they were acceptable for women. I think I'd look better with a good stache.
I still remember the morning my Dad came home after a night shift and had shaved his beard off. For the record, I think he looks good either way. Hope Maya isn't too upset.
Maya was okay. She whimpered a little before she even saw it (I showed her the picture). I was afraid of her reaction because her face-to-face with her bald-faced dad was at curriculum night. She did well, though, and he is already growing back his mustache and goatee.
Where have you been? I bet Wayne has grown a full-on Grizzly-Adams beard by now.
Where have you been? I bet Wayne has grown a full-on Grizzly-Adams beard by now.
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