Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Being in the south is like being in a whole different world. No joke.

Have you heard about the high school in Georgia that is having it's first integrated prom this year? In 2007.

You have to watch this slideshow, which has accompanying audio interviews with students and community members. One girl calls the segregated proms a tradition: "it's always been a tradition since my daddy's been in school..." Her sister, who attended a segregated prom for her class (2001) says, "The white people have theirs; the black people have theirs. It's no big deal. It's nothing racial at all."

ohmygod. That is how otherworldly the south is-- especially the rural south. Some (white?) parents refused to allow their kids attend the integrated prom. Sick. Twisted. Wrong in so many ways. There is one girl who talks about why some of her friends can't come to prom: "I've asked 'em, 'why can't you come?' and they're all like, 'cause my mamma and daddy, they, you know, don't agree with being with the colored people...'" Colored people. Colored. People.


There was a CNN article in 2002 about another rural high school in Georgia that decided to have an integrated prom. A year later, there was a white-only prom planned in addition to the integrated prom.

I think it is awesome that the students at these high schools get together to try to break down the racial barriers; I bet it would be easier if the parents would keep their noses out of it.

When we were in SC this past summer, it was crazy how divided by color it is down there. There's the stores that are not only for black people or white people but only black people or white people will frequent them, if that makes any sense. Like when Wayne went to the black liquor store in town instead of the white liquor store.

At the GNC at the mall, the checker actually got into a conversation with us about how many black people go to the high school now. In line. At the checkout. While I was purchasing black cohosh (damn period!). I think he called them "coloreds," too. Apparently most of the white kids go to the private school in town.

Speaking of SC, I guess there is a presidential debate in Wayne's hometown this week at SCSU. And I have to say that, as backwards as some southerners seem to me, I love SC; I wish we could go back there again this year (damn IRS!!).

Off to have lunch with Maya. This is what happens when one does not grocery shop-- no food for lunches, hot lunch looked gross (bbq riblette sandwich? ew.), so I am bringing her lunch from Wendy's. Or Subway. Or from somewhere else that doesn't serve bbq riblettes, whatever the hell those are.

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