So, I have pictures. I know you want to see them.
These are shots of what the bathroom looked like when we moved in (2003) up until we painted.
This is the bathroom now (4 years later):
I know that I probably won't love it forever (remember harvest gold, anyone?), but I love it now, which is all I care about. It's paint, so it can be re-done easily.
The brown really warms up the floor, too. We plan on ripping that out and laying tile, so it doesn't really matter except that it looks much better in the meantime.
While Wayne was putting up the new towel racks and whatnot, I gave Maya a shower in the girls' bathroom. She came rushing out of the bathroom like this:
The damn tooth hole wouldn't stop bleeding; it continued to bleed on Monday a bit, as well. The right front tooth was super loose, too. She told me that she looks "like a country girl. People from the country have teeth like this." Very funny. Well, she pulled the other tooth last night while I was teaching class. She has a toothless grin now! I'll take a picture when she gets home from school; she was in bed by the time my class was over, so I couldn't take a picture last night.
Oh, speaking of my class, I love them. My current students are such a good fit with each other, and they are just a really awesome group of people. I have one couple who is interviewing midwives (they were at an OB practice). The hospital they were planning to birth (probably deliver) at has a very high cesarean rate and in highly interventive and unsupportive of natural birth. They approach people who are birthing naturally as a failure waiting to happen. It's quite sad.
I received a call from a woman yesterday-- a referral from the current couple who are in the midst of switching-- who is having the most horrible time with her OB right now. Her OB (VV, MD) is in a practice with an OB who really gave a former couple of mine a hard time at their birth. I've heard horrible things about VV, MD ever since I started teaching in 2003. The things this woman was telling me about VV, MD were just so sad and frustrating. It made me so angry that there are people in OB who are so damn disrespectful towards pregnant women. I was more than happy to give her the contact info for the wonderful licensed midwives in our area. We are so fortunate to have such compassionate, skilled and sincere licensed midwives; although, I wish there were more midwives than OBs in practice here.
I have two definite and one very likely couple signed up for my April class. Damn. I'll need to order more workbooks already!
I went on an Amazon shopping spree Sunday. I bought 8 books to add to my library; I love adding books to the library, but I wish my students would utilize the library more fully. I have books, magazines, handouts, movies that they can check out.
I'm going to go nurse my sick self to pseudo-wellness with some tea and last night's episode of 24.
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