Monday, November 15, 2010


Sometimes my man has a need for red meat.

Tonight is the night.

Red meat is so expensive and generally unhealthy, so we eat it maybe once a month.  Seriously.  We spent $30 for three steaks.

There was a Groupon yesterday for $50 worth of meat for $25, and I forgot to get it!  I'm so mad.  I could have ordered 12 5-oz bacon wrapped steaks for only $25.  Sigh.  You snooze, you lose.

Anyway, as an aside:
We are watching Glee right now; Kirk is gay and out, and he keeps getting harassed by the asshole jocks.  He visits a school that has zero tolerance for harassment.  Novel concept.  Why do schools have zero tolerance on things like drugs (medication) and weapons (butter knives), but they seem to tolerate harassment just fine?  As a teenager I was harassed, so I can relate to being physically harassed in front of educators who do nothing.  The teachers are intimidated by these menaces to society, which is really unfortunate.



Sus said...

Most schools do have a zero tolerance on harrassment/bullying but it takes someone saying something and someone doing something about it...

shan said...

Well, I can say that I *know* teachers in high school and junior high see and hear kids harassing other kids, and they turn a blind eye (ear) to it.

Physical and emotional harassment are easily dismissed by teachers as "kids being kids".

If a teacher observes harassment, they shouldn't need to wait for a student or parent to file a complaint first.