Sunday, November 12, 2006

painfully dull

another day spent tiling. damn. this is so lame. I am simply unable to post a blog of any interest because all my creativity is disappearing with each screw I drill into the damn backer board. Thanks god for electric drills. Can you imagine screwing 600 screws by hand?

Wayne and I truly understand, and are beginning to appreciate, the high cost of manual labor. God, so I appreciate it. If we had paid several thousand dollars to have a pro come and do this job, it would have been done today. We hope to be done by Thursday. Note that we began the project on Thursday. One week to tile 120 square feet of space. Novices.

Okay, it's 11:32pm, and I am coming in right under the NaBloMo wire.


Shan said...

A week isn't all that bad. My husband started our kitchen makeover (paint, new floor, tile the backsplash and new counters) three years ago. It's still not complete. Although I have had assurances that the final step (grouting the backsplash) will be completed in the very near future.

Anonymous said...


Try this:

It's on my back burner for those inevitable blank days.

shan said...

I'm fortunate that Wayne likes yo bring a project to completion because if he doesn't, it drives him crazy.

Rachael, topics for my blog aren't a problem right now-- it's time. Well, and my mind is fried right now, too.

I have class tonight, so I have to wash the grimes, dust and paint off of myself.